Thursday, November 25, 2010

Paragliding in Pokhara

After spending most of my two months in Nepal by both land and river, we decided to take to the skies! Pokhara and more specifically Sarangkot is an absolute paragliding epicenter. The flying conditions and thermals that are created here allow for flying almost year round. A friend I have been travelling with for some weeks now named Evan Bouchier is a solo pilot and he has camped himself out here and flies everyday. There is a real scene here. Flying junkies. You can spot them in town with their gigantic backpacks carrying their wings.

 Again for you Mom! Boots are getting good use. Paragliding from Sarankot over Phewa Tal in Pokhara.
We flew with a company called Blue Sky Paragliding and I was up in the air for an hour over Phewa Tal and the town of Pokhara. We were able to see the mountains that we had spent the last nine days hiking in and out of and were able to sit back and enjoy the ride.
Perhaps a new hobby on the horizon. Ya never know.

View of the Annapurna Range from the sky.

Suzy in the Sky with Diamonds. Money shot.

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