Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Hiked from Macchupucchre base camp to Annapurna base camp for sunrise.
Departed on the Annapurna Sanctuary Trek from a place called Phedi and embarked on quite possibly the toughest hike I have ever been on.

This trek is not for the faint of heart but it is definitely one that has people from all walks of life hiking it's trails. It was really inspiring to see people out here that you wouldn't expect, like retirees and young children with their hardcore parents.

The hike took us about 9 days return trip as we took our time and enjoyed being on a personal hiking trip without students or any responsibilities other than to ourselves. The trekking was arduous and physically challenging. My knees are definitely not the same but are fairing better after Mike Crowtz's nugget about the 'Rest Step'. Look it up folks ... it will save your life and knees. The trail is only about 40km's but anyone who has spent time in the mountains or Himalayas knows that it is 40km's of consistent gaining and decreasing elevation which makes for long days and hard work.

The trail takes you from the rice fields and villages of rural Nepal, into the rhododendron forests and monkeys, up into the hills and eventually the mountains. We took our time to make sure that we were acclimatized to the altitude and had a couple of early days due to cold and hard rain. Again, not having students with us allowed us to say ... hello sleeping bag and warm cup of milk tea! As for the altitude, I only felt a slight headache at Base Camp and woke up in the night feeling like I couldn't catch my breath. Nothing serious just very aware of taking our time and not going to high without being ready.

Sharing the 4130m (13,500ft) sunrise with this friendly mountain dog.
The view from the top was breathtaking. We left Macchupucchre Base Camp (MBC) around 4:45am and hiked in the dark with headlamps for about 90 minutes until we reach Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) as the sun was coming up from behind us and welcomed us with the views you will see below. Worth every cold and tiring step. ABC is 4130m or 13,500ft of pure, stunning magic.

Annapurna Base Camp. Approximately 6:20am and -10 degrees.

Annapurna I and memorial in place for climbers who have lost their lives on these mountains.

Suzzers taking in the sights.

This one if for you Mom. Thanks for finding my boots!

Annapurna Base Camp

Macchupucchre (Fishtail) Mountain

                                                                                       Porters hiking to Base Camp.                                                                                   Left side is backside of Annapurna South and the mountain in front of them is Annapurna I

Cheese! This one's for you Mom.

Gangapurna Mountain

Annapurna South, Hinchuli and Macchupucchre Mountains.

The Mighty Macchupuchhre Mountain

6:15am view of Annaourna South and Hinchuli.

Few minutes later ...

6:45am view of Macchupucchre Mountain.

Golden hue of the morning sun. Started walking at 4:45am to get to this spot.

Almost awake and enjoying the -10 weather.

Macchupucchre Mtn.

Another shot for Mom.

Hiked from Macchupucchre base camp to Annapurna base camp for sunrise.

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